After the success of the first Articulate Workshop, we were excited to be going to Lilongwe to continue our training programme in how to create various e-learning materials using Articulate.
The workshop held in the Kamuzu College of Nursing was attended by a very keen selection of participants from KCN and MCHS. The participants all showed an eagerness to learn, and were extremely enthusiastic. The skill levels of the participants were split evenly between newcomers to e-Learning, and people who have attended an Articulate workshop before.
Workshop Summary
We made the decision to not go straight into the technical training for Articulate and instead focus on how e-learning ideas can be generated and used to really enhance teaching. The morning session on the first day produced a large list of resource ideas that was the catalyst for the materials created during the course of the workshop.
We tried to keep the workshop as structured as possible to expose the participants to as many tools in the Articulate software as possible. This did prove fruitful in terms of the diversity of resources that were being created.
- Generating ideas, and identifying areas of curriculum for resources
- Blended learning, Different resource approaches
- Brainstorming
- Different types of Engage (and discussion)
- Practise
- Start creating resources
- Different engage types
- Images wishlist (no internet)
- Video and Photos were taken
- Quality Control
- Create revision resources (Quizmaker)
- Resources complimented the resources that had been created
- Additional engage work
- Description of publishing, and concepts of Presenter
- Good / Bad question structure
- Review and Gallery
- Resources loaded on to intranet
- Self/peer feedback (2 stars and 1 wish)
- Demonstration to parallel workshop
The workshop was keen to focus on the quality control aspect of creating resources. The participants had many opportunities to review their own work, and others based on some of the ‘Good Practice’ tips and ideas we presented during the course of the week.
The range of resources created was excellent, a mixture of all different approaches was taken, and the participants were all very keen to embellish their materials with images and videos to great effect.